Monday, May 16, 2011

Wiring explanation and Plug and Play Connections

Its been a long week. I wired the electronics into their box and extended the motor wires.  I fired the Angry Beaver up and the x axis wouldn't fire. Through trouble shooting i found that my x was grounded by a few free strands of copper that had gotten under the chip. I found this out when i blew the x fuse by wiggling wires.(!!a fuse for each axis and the break out board is vital it will save you money!!) which leads me to plug and play connections

After spending days re wiring my set up over and over. I realised that pluging wires into the chips each time was a real pain in the, so I decided to get male and female connectors to make for easy assembly and disassembly. From this I have learned that connectors are leagues better then twist wires and taping.

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